Healing The Heart After a Heart Attack

Read a case study on how talk therapy and IPEC Therapy helped one man overcome the trauma of a heart attack and early childhood trauma. Give us a call to set up an appointment to begin therapy.

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Getting a heart attack in the early forties can be a very scary experience, especially when the sufferer was in top physical health, an athlete, and involved in all kind of sports. This happened to Jarred (not his real name), who was 43 years old, a successful businessman, husband, and father of two daughters.

One morning, in the middle of his regular basketball game with his friends, he felt unwell, very tired and dizzy. His friends took him to the nearest emergency room, and the physician told him right away that he was in the midst of heart attack.

The treatment went well. A month after, he was taking five different medications and eating a healthy diet. Since he was only seeing his doctor once a week for regular checkups, Jarred felt that it was time he started his new life.

He found out very soon that even though he might seem to be back to normal, nothing was really normal anymore. He felt a constant worry that he might have another heart attack. Even an occasional fast pulse that lasted only a second rendered him hyper vigilant, terrified that it was a sign of another looming heart attack.

The quality of his emotional and psychological life had deteriorated, and he started to ask himself questions that never before crossed his mind: whether he was sick, whether he brought it on himself, was it pure luck? Why him? And many more questions. Another month went by, then a friend recommended that he see me.


After a short term of talk therapy, we both understood what the main issues were, but there was no alleviation in his emotional condition. It was new to him at the beginning of talk therapy to discover that the heart is highly vulnerable to conditions brought on by a lack of emotional expression. He admitted he was not a big talker, but now, after the heart attack he found himself talking a lot, to himself, with his wife and with his friends. But this was the wrong kind of talk. It mainly focused on worries, fears and gloomy predictions.

He was surprised to learn that the heart is an organ that it’s very easy to significantly improve, and even heal, physically and psychologically. So in addition to taking his regular medications, he consumed some specific food supplements made from raw organic vegetables, fruits and other grains and plants.


As mentioned, talk therapy didn’t open him up to talk because he wasn’t a talker to begin with. So energy therapy was tailored specifically for him, working with IPEC Therapy. In applying bio feedback of the muscular system, he discovered that he experienced specific events in his early childhood as emotional traumas, and he preferred “to forget” about them in order not to feel the associated pain. The main trauma was the death of an uncle that he felt very close to, more than he felt close to his own parents. The death was sudden, due to a car accident, when Jarred was 8 years old. He was totally unprepared to deal with such a tragedy. There were no adults at the time who knew how to help him grieve his dead uncle, so whatever he felt, thought, and believed was buried deeply within him, and he became quiet, and grew up as a non-talker.

He married in his mid-20s. Ten years later, his wife divorced him when she could no longer cope with how uncommunicative he was. When similar issues cropped up with his second wife, their relationship deteriorated quickly, and he had the heart attack. The major issue of his uncle’s death was found in IPEC Therapy, but talking about this revelation didn’t create any effect. Intervention with energy therapy made the difference, and he felt progressively less tense and less anxious after each session. In fact, after the first energy therapy intervention he felt a profound alleviation in his tension and anxiety. He hadn’t even been aware of how pervasive these feelings were in his life before the treatment.


From session to session he peeled away more and more layers of negative feelings which he had not been able to recognize and clear prior to therapy. He started to acquire a new level of relaxation in his life and found himself spontaneously talking more and expressing more about his day to day life.

A huge and unexpected benefit of his therapy was a renewed connection with his wife; they started to talk and to share more than ever before, and consequently their level of intimacy increased. This added significantly to Jarred’s newfound sense of calm and well being.

To summarize, the drug therapy, along with the physical heart rehabilitation and the supervised healthy diet certainly helped Jarred to get better, but only up to a certain point. Having uncovered old traumas and systematically cleared them, he was able to open and renew his old dormant ability to express himself naturally, and once that happened his heart was rapidly healed.

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