The Holistic Approach to Treating Depression

Rekindle your inner light and regain your zest for life. At the Holistic Psychotherapy Center, we help you break through negative cycles and effectively heal from depression.

Worthy of Joy

Break out of the echo chamber of isolation, emptiness, and self-judgments and reconnect to what brings you joy.

Flip Your Life

Transform your mindset and the ways you approach yourself and others.

Treating The Whole Person

Nobody should have to face depression alone. Our psychotherapists provide ongoing support, even in between sessions.

Shatter The Walls Closing In Around You

Depression has many faces. Some people experience it in the secret space of their own mind, while others find it impossible to hide. For all those who struggle with depression, it’s as if you were left out of a huge secret that others seem to know – the key to happiness and fulfillment.

Sometimes, depression arises from life’s transitions. Loss, change, or even positive events like reaching milestones or finding newfound freedom can leave you feeling a lack of purpose or direction. Deep down, silent energetic or emotional imbalances that suddenly manifest.

Vitality seems like a myth. Self-care and connection become monumental tasks. Every step towards control is draining, pushing you towards drastic means of escape.
Shame and guilt keep you in self-isolation, unable to communicate your needs. The constant barrage of self-criticism drowns out any possibility of self-acceptance or change. Every setback brings more negative mental chatter.

What’s more, depression often manifests in mysterious physical ailments – fatigue, pain, digestive issues – making every day an unwinnable battle.

What Does Depression Look Like?

Sadness / Lack of hope / Fault-finding / Low motivation / Poor concentration / Emptiness / Feeling isolated / Inability to feel joy / Inability to feel anything / Inability to set goals / Indecisiveness / Lack of interest in hobbies / Loss of creativity / Low resilience / Self-criticism / Suicidal thoughts / Digestive discomfort / Loss of appetite / Insomnia / Fatigue / Poor immunity

Depression Treatment

The Holistic Way

Modalities For Overcoming Anxiety

Yes, You Deserve To Thrive

Although You may not believe it now, you are worthy and capable of living a deeply fulfilling life. At the Holistic Psychotherapy Center, we hold space for you as you overcome this debilitating struggle. Together, we will establish a judgment-free environment and journey towards a renewed feeling of purpose that you truly deserve.

Unlike conventional approaches to therapy that rely on medications and talk, our holistic methodology supports you with an array of natural and alternative techniques that treat depression from all angles. We will help you move past the helplessness and confusion that come with depression, and develop healthy coping skills. With renewed self-confidence, motivation, and skills, you’ll be free to pursue your ideal life.

High-Functioning Depression

Depression’s subtleties are most elusive in cases of high-functioning individuals, where one projects an aura as a high-achiever despite enduring internal battles. Such people seek external validation and struggle with self-doubt and self-worth and therefore have difficulty truly enjoying and relaxing because internally they are stressed and overextended.  

Many people with functional depression also feel that they’re not sick enough to seek treatment. This ultimately prevents them from getting support for their issues. Since the symptoms of high-functioning depression aren’t as obvious, many people suffer in silence. But hiding symptoms can take a toll. Without help, many people find that their symptoms worsen over time.  

Addressing high-functioning depression demands an acute awareness of its subtle indicators, including the incessant inner chatter that exacerbates feelings of emptiness and inadequacy. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward effective intervention to break the cycle of negative thinking. 

The Holistic Psychotherapy Center offers a unique approach to treating high-functioning depression, focusing on the individual as a whole rather than just the symptoms. Our comprehensive approach helps individuals uncover deeper insights into their thought patterns and behaviors, facilitating a path toward healing that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. Through personalized treatment plans, the Holistic Psychotherapy Center empowers those suffering from high-functioning depression to manage their symptoms more effectively and find a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Holistic psychotherapy integrates traditional mental health treatment with alternative therapies and tools to enhance the healing process. It embraces a perspective beyond symptoms and labels. It considers the importance of balance between body- mind and spirit in restoring true well-being
Our approach to treating depression involves a combination of therapeutic techniques, including, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, lifestyle adjustments, and alternative treatments like acupuncture or yoga, tailored to the individual’s unique needs.
The consultation call is an informal chat during which we will ask you questions about your situation and your goals, and share with you information about the therapy we offer. Answer any question you have and determine if we are a good fit for you
Most patients experience relief and positive shifts within a few sessions. Having a connection with a therapist who understands and supports you may begin to feel like you are less alone and more hopeful about overcoming your challenges. It is important to consider taking therapy at a pace that works for you to support steady and lasting positive changes in your life. Our sessions are not about just talking, they are designed to provide maximum impact and support.
If you are currently taking medication and choose to continue taking it, it’s OK. It does not interfere with the holistic psychotherapy process you’ll undertake with us.
If you’re dealing with multiple diagnoses besides depression, such as anxiety, PTSD, or any other physical and/or mental health condition, our comprehensive evaluation can be very helpful to you. We look beyond the official diagnosis at root causes and contributing factors for your conditions. We believe that symptoms are signs of a deeper issue that has most likely been overlooked. It has been our experience that in many cases, finding the root cause for conditions and treating it holistically, allows the body and mind to heal itself and symptoms and conditions improve and better yet disappear.
We offer a range of alternative therapies, including but not limited to, IPEC therapy, light therapy, meridian therapy, tapping, and other energy healing techniques. The choice of therapies is tailored to your preferences and needs.
Yes you can. The importance of family support in overcoming depression cannot be overstated. Helping your family develop a greater understanding of your experience, improving communication, and strengthening the family bond can be supportive for both you and your family.
If you’re seeking a comprehensive approach to treatment that addresses more than just symptoms and looks at your situation from an overall perspective of well-being, holistic psychotherapy can be a great fit. We recommend scheduling a consultation to discuss your needs and preferences.
Starting holistic treatment for depression is simple. We recommend contacting us and scheduling your free initial phone consultation. After the meeting, we can arrange for your first appointment.
Depression can manifest when an individual feels spiritually unfulfilled. This can occur when there is a lack of clarity and insecurity about one’s unique abilities and purpose in the world, leading to feelings of depression. Living an inspired life, being excited about contributing one’s skills and creativity to a meaningful cause, can serve as a protective factor against depression from a spiritual standpoint. When individuals are unsure about their place and contribution to the world, it may result in a downward spiral of negative emotions that can be synonymous with depression.

The depression/well-being spiral refers to a cycle where depression can hinder an individual’s ability to practice self-care, including regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, social interactions, and mindfulness. When these aspects are neglected due to depression, it can lead to a further decline in energy levels, decreased immunity, and worsened physical health, ultimately impacting the individual’s overall well-being.

This spiral effect can work in both directions: seeking help for depression can empower an individual to prioritize self-care and foster healthy habits, potentially breaking the cycle. Conversely, by actively addressing their overall well-being, such as through improved lifestyle choices and self-care practices, individuals may reduce their vulnerability to future episodes of depression. In essence, the depression/well-being spiral is a complex interplay where mental and physical health influence each other, highlighting the importance of holistic well-being in maintaining good health and resilience.

Let’s Begin The Journey

Experience the Transformative Power at The Holistic Psychotherapy Center 

Live & Remote Appointments Available

We prioritize your comfort and convenience. Whether you prefer in-office face-to-face sessions or the flexibility of remote tele-therapy, our dedicated therapists are here to support your journey from anywhere you choose.


Weekdays – 9AM – 7PM (pacific time)
Sundays – Closed
Legal Holidays – Closed

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